Sunday 4 November 2018


Time heals all wounds.
It’s true.
But how long does time take? I used to think that I would heal after a certain amount of time. That’s just not the case in life.
Healing doesn’t have a timeline. I believe healing happens in ways we don’t understand. Some days could feel like you’re on top of the world and the past is behind you while others almost feel like there is no future ahead. Most of the time we don’t feel like we are healing, but we are, little by little every day.
It happens in the ways we don’t expect. Healing happens when you are taking a walk all alone, all by yourself, and you remember everything that is missing, everything that hurts, and you feel so much at once that you can barely catch your breath. Like a stabbing in your chest, it all hits you at once. Your body feels heavy. Your mind and your heart hurt. Healing is pain, but it’s also triumph.

Thursday 21 June 2018

Thursday 8 March 2018

Next chapter of life.

New year new chapter.
Yup i'm officially Mrs.Tan and expecting a baby girl due on june!